
During the first Monday of January through December 2022, food supplies were delivered to Loaves and Fishes of Sacramento for 300+ homeless feed.
Blankets were delivered to marginalized and underprivileged people in Bihar and West Bengal, India to keep them warm during the harsh winter weather.
Food Packages were delivered to the neediest, marginalized and underprivileged people in the state of Bihar, India.
Food Packages were delivered to the neediest, marginalized and underprivileged people in the state of West Bengal, India.
Food Packages were delivered to 16 most needy, marginalized and underprivileged families in the state of Karnataka, India.

During the holy month of Ramadan, 18 families/individuals were provided financial help in cash to meet their immediate needs. These were mostly divorced, widowed and single parent struggling to meet their bare necessities of life.